Vue Clear Input Field on Click:The code for clearing an input field in Vue on click involves defining a method in the component that sets the value of the input field to an empty string. This method is then bound to the click event of a button or an element using the v-on
directive. The v-model
directive is used to bind the input value to a data property in the component, so that updating the value of the input field also updates the data property. When the button is clicked, the method is executed, which sets the value of the input field to an empty string, thus clearing it. This approach allows for a simple and efficient way to clear input fields in Vue.
How can I clear an input field in Vue when a user clicks on it?
To clear an input field in Vue when a user clicks on it, you can use the v-model directive to bind the input field to a data property in your Vue instance. Then, you can add an @input event listener to the input field and call a method to handle the input. In the method, you can update the data property to the value of the input field.
To add a clear button, you can use a v-if directive to conditionally render the button when the input field is not empty. Then, you can add an @click event listener to the button and call a method to clear the input field by setting the data property to an empty string.
Vue Clear Input Field on Click Example
<div id="app">
<div class="input-wrapper">
<h3>Vue Clear Input Field on Click</h3>
<div class="input-container">
<input type="text" v-model="inputValue" @input="handleInput">
<button v-if="inputValue" class="clear-button" @click="clearInput">X</button>
const app = Vue.createApp({
data() {
return {
inputValue: ''
methods: {
clearInput() {
this.inputValue = '';